Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Forget milk - TEA could be the secret to strong bones: Three cups a day lowers the risk of fractures by 30%

8:48:00 PM By

It is the perfect excuse to sit down with a nice cup of tea.
Research shows that tea drinkers have stronger bones, cutting their risk of painful fractures, including broken hips.

Just three cuppas a day is linked with a 30 per cent lower risk of breaks.
The Australian researchers said the effect is so big that tea could become a ‘major addition to the dietary prevention of fracture’.
Just three cups of tea a day could significantly strenghten bones, preventing osteoporsosis, research shows
Just three cups of tea a day could significantly strenghten bones, preventing osteoporsosis, research shows
The International Osteoporosis Foundation estimates more than 200 million people worldwide have the disease.
In the US and Europe, almost 30 per cent of postmenopausal women have osteoporosis.
And at least 40 per cent of these women and up to 30 per cent of men will suffer a fracture in their lifetime as a result. 
Researchers from Flinders University, South Australia, tracked the health of almost 1,200 elderly women for ten years.

The volunteers, who had an average age of 80 at the start of the study, were regularly quizzed about their diet, with a particular emphasis on how much tea they drank.
During the decade, the women suffered 288 breaks, including 129 hip fractures.
However, those who drank at least three cups of tea a day were almost a third less likely to break a bone over the decade than those who rarely or never consumed the stuff.
Importantly, the result stood when other factors linked to weakened bones, such as smoking and not exercising, were factored in.

It is thought that plant chemicals called flavonoids strengthen the bones by speeding building of new bone cells while slowing down the erosion of existing ones.
Three cups a day could dramatically reduce the risk of devastating hip fractures (pictured)
Three cups a day could dramatically reduce the risk of devastating hip fractures (pictured)
This is likely to be particularly important in old age, where bone tends to wear down quicker than it can be replaced.
Found in fruit and vegetables, flavonoids are also good for the cardiac health and it is known that a healthy heart is good for the bones.

Coffee also contains flavonoids, however, tea was by far the biggest source of the compounds in the women studied, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports.
Dr Tim Bond, of the industry-funded Tea Advisory Panel, said: ‘This is good news for older tea drinkers in particular.
‘Older women are at increased risk of fracture which often leads to hospitalisation and nursing home stays at substantial cost.
‘Consumption of three or more cups of tea each day is a pleasant activity and according to the findings from this study helps to maintain the bone health among older women.’

Sarah Leyland, of the National Osteoporosis Society said other research had suggested drinking tea might help to prevent fractures.
She added: ‘It isn’t clear whether this is because tea contains flavonoids, plant-based compounds, or fluoride or something else.
‘However in general, it’s a well-balanced diet with adequate calcium, protein and plenty of fruit and vegetables that will provide the nutrients your bones need


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