Friday, February 12, 2016

Trump calls Cruz a liar

11:38:00 AM By

Donald Trump has a new line of attack against Ted Cruz — he’s a liar. 
Over the past 24 hours, Trump has tweeted five times in some variation that the Texas senator is not truthful.
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It all started Thursday morning with a tweet from the billionaire that Cruz was making negative robo-polls. Cruz flat-out denied the allegations Thursday to reporters before a rally in Fort Mill, South Carolina.
“We are getting reports from many voters that the Cruz people are back to doing very sleazy and dishonest 'pushpolls' on me. We are watching!” Trump tweeted. 
"I have no idea. We had nothing to do with them. I don't know what they were. We had nothing to do with them. So I had read reports of what is being said but somebody else is doing them, not us," Cruz said
But Trump was not swayed.

"@truthinvest@CNN @tedcruz @realDonaldTrump Ted Cruz is the definition of sleaze. Just ask @RealBenCarson,” he retweeted. 

Followed by: “Cruz caught cold in lie after denial of push polls like lies w/ @RealBenCarson. How can he preach Christian values?” he tweeted with the link to a POLITICO story about Cruz’s denial.
Trump’s reference to Carson is about an incident in Iowa where members of the Cruz camp told caucus-goers that retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson had dropped out of the race and that they should throw their support behind Cruz. 
While Cruz has apologized to Carson, he has repeatedly said the source of the information was a CNN report. CNN has strongly objected to the idea it said Carson was bowing out of the race. Following a second-place finish in Iowa, Trump took on the issue, saying that it could have cost both Carson and himself higher placements.
On Friday morning Trump continued to bash Cruz, bringing up the fact that Cruz had attempted to associate him and Rubio with gay marriage. 
“Lying Cruz put out a statement, 'Trump & Rubio are w/Obama on gay marriage.' Cruz is the worst liar, crazy or very dishonest. Perhaps all 3?” Trump tweeted.
“How can Ted Cruz be an Evangelical Christian when he lies so much and is so dishonest?” he continued, jabbing at Cruz on religion as the two battle for the evangelical vote in South Carolina.
At the Carolina Values Summit at Winthrop University Thursday Cruz attempted to tie Trump and Rubio to Obama on the issue.
Cruz said that while both oppose gay marriage they’ve called the Supreme Court ruling legalizing gay marriage the "law of the land.”
"Those are the talking points of Barack Obama," Cruz said. 


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