Saturday, January 23, 2016

Donald Trump retweets 'White Genocide' Twitter user

7:40:00 AM By

Donald Trump's penchant for retweets once again raised eyebrows, after he recirculated a tweet on Friday from a user with the handle "WhiteGenocideTM."
The profile -- with about 2,300 followers -- used the name "Donald Trumpovitz," linked to a website containing a pro-Adolf Hitler documentary, featured a background photo with red lettering saying "Get the F--- Out of My Country" and had a location of "Jewmerica." The account also includes a photo of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party. 
    The account's Twitter feed was largely a collection of retweets about violence allegedly committed by African-American suspects and anti-Arab posts.
    The tweet Trump actually reposted from the user, however, was a photoshopped image of the GOP front-runner's opponent Jeb Bush, depicting him as a disheveled beggar outside Trump Tower.
    As he always does, Trump manually retweeted the user, meaning he copied and pasted the full tweet into his post rather than clicking a button to send the tweet to his followers.


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