Thursday, January 21, 2016

Renewed violent protests in Tunisia over jobs

10:19:00 AM By

  More clashes erupted in the Tunisian city of Kasserine between the security forces and protesters demanding jobs.
It's the third day of tension in the area, during which it has emerged that a policeman was killed. The protests have also spread to several other towns.
Protesters gather outside the local government office during a protest in Kasserine, Tunisia
Protesters gathered today outside Kasserine's local government office
The tensions have echoes of the Arab spring uprising of 2011 that brought down the government of long-time leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, which was partly fuelled by frustration over the lack of employment.  
In an effort to calm the situation, the government has promised to find work for 6,000 unemployed young people in Kasserine.  


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